Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Is the war lost?

A new book is coming out tomorrow War Crimes: The Left’s Campaign to Destroy Our Military and Lose the War on Terror and I am going to get as many copies as I can and pass them out -- i have been looking for something tangible to do for our military and this author sounds very impressive: Kathryn Lopez from National Review Online interviewed him and here is an excerpt:

Lopez: If the war is not lost, how can we win?
Lt. Col. Patterson: "By coming together as a country and supporting the efforts of
our commander-in-chief and our troops. The war is not lost, we are winning. I’ve
seen it for myself.
We have, however, allowed a Fifth Column comprised of
Democrat politicians, big media, academia, popular culture, and nongovernmental
organizations to control the discourse and negatively affect public opinion.
Nobody beats the U.S. military, but American wars since World War II are won and lost in Washington, D.C. If we allow the Left to continue to undermine the
nation and our military, we will not only lose in Iraq but future confrontations
that may occur with Islamo-fascism in places like Iran, Syria, and the
Philippines will be made doubly difficult and more bloody. The stakes are very
high. We have to resist the urge to take the easy way out and quit what is a
valiant and necessary struggle which would lead to Iraq becoming another
Vietnam-type national humiliation. That, sadly, is exactly what the Left is
banking on."


Go read the entire interview! Excellent!

1 comment:

Seven times blessed said...

What a great excerpt, and I totally agree. I'm frightened especially about the media's being able to choose the news and spread their agenda around instead of portraying both sides. I'm not afraid of bad news or bringing lefty viewpoints to light, but if the other side is never or rarely reported, the full picture will never be seen by ordinary Americans who don't check out blogs. God bless,